Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pune, JITHE KAHI NAHI UNE... still true?

Today, the crime scene in Pune is on the rise. This city known as a peaceful, quiet and slow paced city is turning into a crime hub. This is highlighted by the recent incident of the rape of a BPO employee. This crime was done by the driver of the BPO cab who also belongs to Pune as the lady. Pune was supposed to be safe for women even during night time. But today the case is exact opposite. Women would travel places fearlessly even at night, but today the
re is fear while stepping out of the house.
This sister city of Mumbai was never fast paced like Mumbai... it was always on the slow track. That is why it became the house for most of the senior citizens. People used to be proud of the city they live in, its culture and other people's desperate wish to live in this city atleat once.Even foreigners come here to witness the Ganpati immersion processions every year. T
hat is a thing of pride for all the Puneris... and see our attitude; We wa
nt our culture to improve. Here improve or develop to people means WESTERNIZE the culture.

Today everyone says that Pune is developing like anything. For people, development means construction of big glamorous townships, glittering malls and stylising of each and every aspect of life. Is that real development of Pune? Aren't we compromising our culture, our values, our respect for the elders and most importantly the nature at the cost of
 development. Pune was a clean and green city a few years ago. IT boom happened and it led to hug
e constructions of residential complexes, malls and multiplexes and other commercial buildings. The nature was heavily destructed in this process of 'DEVELOPMENT'. Pune was not a hot city, received timely rains, had गुलाबी थंडी which made the city a heavenly place to live in.
Today there is a new mall coming in every alternate day. There is definitely retail boom due to the IT boom in the city. But we are forgetting the true culture and the diversity of Pune. Pune is getting materialistic day by day. We don't care about the things happening in our neighborhood. We just care about ourselves and the things we relate to. In short, this city with emotions is transforming into a city of materialism.
The crimes of murders of senior citizens is also a concern for the people. Even they feel insecure to live in here.
Another effect of IT boom is the traffic in Pune. There was not much traffic in Pune about one to one and a half years ago. The afternoons were leisurely, the mornings and evenings being the rush-hour, the roads were filled with traffic; but that too not heavy. Now-a-days, there is no doubt that there is heavy congestion of vehicles in the evening, but even the afternoon is not spared these days. There is quite a heavy traffic in the afternoon too. With an increase in the vehicular population of 600 units per day, where are we heading? With the increase in vehicles, comes increase in air pollution. Population increase also leads to air pollution as well as noise and most importantly water pollution and water shortage. I would say, that Pune has changed drastically during the last 4-5 years... but it has changed for the bad... bad of the nature, bad of the culture, bad of the pensioners and good for the monetarily thinking people; people who want to earn tonnes of money.

I wonder how the elderly people would be feeling seeing this changing face of Pune, when a 16 year old boy like me feels so much.

Its time to think seriously where are we heading into the future? Think Think...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Indian (melancholical) MEdiA

Aap dekh rahe hai AAJ TAK aur abhi abhi khabar aa rahi hai ki ek Baccha 60 feet ke gaddhe mein gir gaya hai...

Our ears have become very used to listening such lines as soon as we switch on any TV news channel... not once or twice in a fortnight but every hour, or rather every five minutes.There's a Breaking News every five minutes on our so called NEWS channels...

As soon as any news breaks on the news channel, the host along with a correspondent collect some people and take their opinions on the issue that's taken up. They just waste half an hour of programming without giving any foolproof information and quality news.

But then, why this new trend in the industry?

Its because of the increasing competition in the industry and its the battle for the survival. As well said by Darwin, only the fittest and the best are capable of surviving... others are wiped off.

That is why everyone is vying for the top TRP ratings.

Everything accepted, but why is the media giving such news and other useless content to its viewers who are in search of some useful news rather than the sensational "BREAKING NEWS" concept. This trend has been started to attract more and more viewership... MAN IS GREEDY and NEVER SATISFIED.

Do u think that the name 'news channel' is appropriate any more?

Most of the people would reply negatively. We should call these news channels "entertainment channels" as they give much more entertainment than a Star Plus could ever give us in a lifetime.

These ________ channels focus so much on Bollywood that most of the times they create an half an hour slot with a five-minute news. They don't do any research. They just add a question mark to the headline which shows that even they are not sure about the happenings... Then why give such news?

I think that the news Oh! Sorry, entertainment channels are to some extent are responsible for the increasing terrorism and violence in our country...

Ask why?

If you have programs like Vardaat creating Sansani, what do you expect the result to be? The whole nation knows the ideas used behind certain crimes and the on-going crimes. The 'talented' youth grabs these ideas and they are in action the next day, rather the next night...

Are laughter shows essential to make us laugh? Won't we laugh if we don't get an 'overdose' of comedy shows? Would we sit like a depressed dodo without them?

I don't think so. Then why don't they understand that their job is only to give news and not make us laugh; that too with repeat telecast of some show already telecasted. And ya one more thing we have many channels to make us laugh, cry and everything else!

Kaun Hai? That's the question we normally ask when some one knocks our door. But here that's not the case. Star News asks this question to all its viewers and informs them about the not-present ghosts and others supernatural powers. At the end of it, the camera doesn't capture anything and our mouths remain open... Is it required???

The Indian Media was definitely much better 10 years ago or may be even 5 years ago and reported true stories instead of creating one... But today??? It will be better if we stop talking about it. Even the word 'news channels' irritates me and forces to think that our age old mute friend- the Newspaper is a hundred times better than our LIVE MEDIA...